
It is a well-known fact that you cannot successfully proof your own work — your brain only sees what you believe is on the page, and not what is actually on the page.

The same is true when it comes to content; your plot, your characters, and your scenes. Sometimes, you are too close and can’t seem to get out of your own way.

A Content Editor will coach you over these hurdles and provide the necessary feedback to guide you in the right direction.

Julie Cameron is an accomplished, dynamic, and energetic author of award-winning work with diverse experience in content editing, consulting, writing, blogging, screenwriting, and self-publishing. Through her company, Landon Literary, she has established herself as a successful mentor and coach with a proven track record of working with both published and non-published authors.

Author Julie Cameron Comes to the Coast

Professional Organizations and Affiliations

Independent Book Publishers Assn. (IBPA)

Content Editor, Service Provider

Colorado Independent Publishers Assn. (CIPA)

Self-Published Author

Content Editor, Service Provider

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW)

Romance Writers of America (RWA)

PAN Member

Pen-to-Paper Guide

Rose City Chapter of RWA

Board Member / Data Services

Contemporary Romance Writers